
家具公司利用RSM WorkHub使IT与不断增长的业务保持一致


ServiceNow 技术咨询 业务应用程序

With business expanding, furniture company increases its insight and efficiency

在任何行业, as organizations grow and volume increases they can lose visibility into key processes. Success brings product and location expansions which can overwhelm manual or outdated functions. 最终, this causes companies to lose visibility, efficiency and control. 在很多情况下, technology solutions and enhanced automation can often step in and bring better stability and clarity to the situation.

我们的客户是环保人士, 美国制造的家具公司经历了一些重大的变化, 这些年来的积极变化. 该公司最初是一家自有品牌制造商, 为几家知名零售商开发家具. 然而, 他们最近转型为多渠道零售商, developing their own brand and label in recent years with much of the business now coming from custom furniture built in a nearly 1,000,000平方英尺的现代化工厂.

RSM以可实现的价格点提供企业级解决方案. They demystified the complexity of ServiceNow and gave us what we needed to understand our IT workload and streamline our project management processes.
首席技术官, 客户家具公司


The company’s chief technology officer (CTO) began at the company early in this period of growth and recognized some challenges with how IT issues were handled. 他们有一个IT跟踪系统, but they needed better clarity around their service levels to ensure departmental accountability. 除了, 公司需要更可靠的报告, 警报和通知, 以及总体工作量和工作量的详细信息.

“在我的头几个星期里, I saw the emails and the requests—there were so many ways that the technology team was being hit up to do things and I had no visibility into what was going on,首席技术官说. “我们在做正确的事情吗? 我们需要给这个过程带来更多的理智,并添加一些结构.”

期待公司进一步发展,变得更加复杂, the executive recognized that a management tool was necessary to increase visibility, IT功能中的治理和优先级. He had previous experience with ServiceNow at a large retailer but thought the workflow solution might be out of reach at his current company.

然而, 在RSM US LLP进行了IT评估之后, RSM WorkHub, 由ServiceNow支持, was suggested as a platform that could help address the organization’s IT management challenges.

“I didn’t even think of ServiceNow because I thought it was out of our price range,这位高管说。. “但当我开始与RSM交谈时,我感到非常惊讶. 我想‘哇,这可能是我们可以实施和采用的东西.’”



The company worked with RSM to implement RSM WorkHub, leading to significant benefits. The solution has consolidated IT service management and strategic portfolio management (SPM) applications into a single platform, 集中工作流程并消除不同的系统.

遵循实现, the company now has a first-class IT service management system where they can manage their intake not only by inbound email, 还可以通过带有服务目录的面向客户端的服务门户. 用户可以提交事件, 项目要求, 增强请求, 入门请求和新桌面请求很容易. Tickets are routed through RSM WorkHub to the appropriate departments for more streamlined project management, while enhanced reporting and service-level agreement creation brings accountability to the department and enables the appropriate setting of expectations.

“当我们进入ServiceNow功能并实现它时, 这个平台比以前丰富多了,首席技术官说. “Especially when we got into the IT business management module—it’s just shocking how deep and how much functionality there is now.”

From an IT team perspective, employees now can manage their work in one place. They also can now manage their yearly planning through ideation and manage their ad hoc project intake process through demand management. More robust assessments and prioritization capabilities align to the company’s strategic framework, 确保IT支持整个组织的愿景.

"RSM以可实现的价格点提供企业级解决方案,首席技术官说. “They demystified the complexity of ServiceNow and gave us what we needed to understand our IT workload and streamline our project management processes.”


最终, the RSM WorkHub solution has given the company the ability to manage all their IT work in one place and a clear vision into whether resources are underallocated or overallocated in certain areas.

除了, 随着IT优化的新重点, 公司成立了IT指导委员会. 在那些月度会议上, the CTO uses the insight and data from RSM WorkHub to report on the tickets IT has for the month and how they are classified, 向利益相关者展示该功能的价值.

“这是一种觉醒,我早就知道会是这样,”他说. “We are seeing benefits in terms of the workload; we’re starting to see patterns in data to identify problem areas and email has come down because users can simply update a ticket. So, 对生产力有信心, 是能见度, 是的,工作量, 对优先级和升级是肯定的.”

使用RSM WorkHub, the company has the foundation to begin looking toward additional resource management in other areas of the business. 他们计划进一步构建SPM模块, including gaining a greater understanding of time management and the breakdown of operational versus project work. 随着平台的成功, discussions are ongoing to determine where its functionality can be further utilized.

在实现新的工作流解决方案之后, 这家家具公司打破了IT和业务之间的壁垒, 加强沟通和协作. The IT department is now in greater alignment with organizational goals and is more proactive with solutions and less reactive to problems, 提供更高的价值和效率, 更像是企业的战略合作伙伴.
